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The person in the attractive field of power. Страница 2

However, no one from other countries of the former socialist camp adopted this experience of China, apparently, for the reason that the ruling elites of these countries was more interested in own enrichment and accession to elite of developed countries of the world, than in development of the country, whereas the Chinese elite by results of unsuccessful experiments of Mao-Zedong, could not neglect the interests of its numerous population, and quite successfully combined the centralized management with the group and proprietary interests of masses, having made the country by the economic leader of the world.

1. What is hidden behind the shell of power.

Any person aspiring into the power, falls practically to the autonomous bureaucratic-corporate structure limited and anxious with own interests which are mostly contradicting interests and needs of masses.

On the one hand, having the power, a person gains the ability to dispose by people, the available material and financial resources, to snatch the corruption component provided to him and to live for their own pleasure, and in the autocratic state also not to be responsible for the acts before the people, pleasing the higher officials, and at the same time deceiving both masses, and own superiors.

It is clear, that so immoral field of actions cannot but be rejected by individuals with the high level of self-consciousness which assumes also high degree of self-respect, impossible in the corrupt elite. Exactly this factor clarifies the slow – with zigzags and deviations – deployment of civilization.

The main reason for similar braking, kickbacks, often senseless conflicts is incompetence and self-interest of the persons making the final decision, having been passed the negative selection into the management structures, and therefore not able to catch the true trends of development, which are being covered with their own, as a rule, selfish interests. Their stupidity, self-conceit and selfishness, despite the presence of numerous high-caliber consultants offering sometimes adequate solutions, prevail, that happened often even with Napoleon.

On the other hand, those in power, especially in states with an authoritarian regime, are afraid to lose it, since with the loss of power they will be deprived of their privileges, opportunity to rob their fellow-countrymen with impunity and commit lawless acts. The very possibility of this loss and fear of punishment torments them continuously.

Enjoying the humiliation of the lower ones, any representative of the authorities is always helpless and humiliated by a higher bureaucrat, especially since, as a rule, insufficient competence compels him to grovel before the higher ones.

Forced hypocrisy, fear of losing status, coercion to corporate corruption, over time, inevitably dehumanize any individual in power.

A person in power not only loses rest, but also becomes the center of the disintegration of his loved ones, giving them, without any labor on their part, many opportunities beyond the reach of ordinary people. In addition, numerous officials deprive of social lifts of all other citizens, filling existing vacancies with their relatives and friends, lowering thereby the intellectual level of the governing elite, that promotes degradation of all control system.

Nevertheless, the power steadily attracts to itself the vast majority of people as the level of development of their consciousness not so is high that assumes a desire prevalence without the special efforts "to get out the people", to become above mass, without having the special abilities, but, to bow one more time to superiors, to please and to flatter it, is not considered by seditious among the people, as a rule.

This desire to create for himself a estrangement from the immense and nameless mass is also manifested in conscious or unconscious creativity, but needs abilities for this, which are either absent or which still need to be developed, which requires labor and time, but time, as always, is not enough, whereas To join the ranks of bureaucrats or law enforcement agencies is much easier and promises, to all appearances, considerable benefits – not only material, but also sense of superiority over the mute crowd. In a considerable measure, for this reason the number of "managers" only "swells", despite all reductions: who will agree to refuse voluntarily a similar, in effect, sinecure, especially at authoritarian regimes.

However, such a blessed stay in "bosses" is just an illusion that quickly dissipates during the very first cataclysms, when even the rulers, who did not manage to escape with the stolen money, turn out to be a torn crowd or, at best, in prison.

In other words, a person in power falls into the quasi-natural situation, where one being inevitably devours another, being in turn devoured by a stronger or quirky. At once it is imperceptible, but always happens.

For this reason, truly wise people invariably have evaded power at all times, considering this activities not only contemptible and unpromising both for itself and for the oppressed, deceived people by deed, but also hindering their individual development and interests, since power, as was shown above, essentially, is mill, grinding each individuality into a corporate dust.

The most vivid testimony of the attitude of the wise men to power is the behavior of Diogenes, who from his barrel-amphora answered on the offer of Alexander the Great to do for him anything within the limits of rhe human opportunities: "Do not cover for me the sun!”

2. Some features of authority representatives.

Let's look at what main characteristics the elite has in power and what properties and senses are imposed those who got into the power.

2.1. Duality.

Any power structure, as well as the person in it, are characterized by duality.

Existing for management of society and its organization at this or that level, this structure under this mission really carries out well or badly functions of management and the organization, but, structurally torn off from masses, an apparatus of power quickly turns into rather autonomous cell, immersed in own interests and own self-preservation, that come to the forefront for it.

The only medicine for this bureaucratic "disease" is feedback with citizens (voters) and also as much as possible frequent rotation that turns in the conditions of authoritarian regime into profanation, and in the conditions of the developed democracies externally looks quite respectable, being expressed in various clubs, diverse press, TV programs, Internet communities, elections at all levels, etc., but in fact, the ruling elite of these countries is not inferior in any respect to in its field of activity, in which it plunders everything that is possible, and those, who it are able to overcome, both in their own country and abroad, with a polite smile on lips, supporting own actions by the beneficial to themselves legislation, law enforcement agencies, various types of corruption of the leaders of trade unions and other opponents, reducing the opposition only to superficial difference, but with preservation of own selfish interests, as it for example happened to the trade unions in Great Britain, transformed to the Labour Party reflecting the interests of the same negligible, predatory and hypocritical elite.

All concessions that are being made for people are purely forced or ordinary deception.

2.2. Utilitarianism and development.

In fact, the basic organs of government disposing everything, including the lives of people, take upon themselves, without knowing it, the function of God. But omniscience is not typical for them, and they use all others and everything else for their own intake, which leads them to inevitable collapse and replacement, but, nevertheless, they are forced to undertake anyway the function of management towards development for own safety. Therefore, the ruling elite willy-nilly on average advances society on the higher civilization-cultural level that is promoted not only not only by fight between elites of various countries, but also antagonism of a people masses, the opposition intellectuals with the commanding top of the country the ruling everything and controlling everything , as well as internal struggles in the elites themselves, sometimes, especially in critical periods, when, to all appearances, there is no way out,, attracting good planners and organizers, such as: Franklin Roosevelt, de Gaulle, Deng Xiaoping.